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For seamless business incorporation in Nigeria, use the Documents NG Portal for all your company registration and pre-incorporation services, including CAC registration and business name registration. We are industry-leading business solution partners, providing simple and hassle-free company incorporation. Our post-incorporation services include alteration of memorandum, filing of annual returns, and changes in company details. With extensive experience, we help companies achieve their goals swiftly. A dedicated specialist will work with you to understand your company set-up needs, ensuring you get the corporate stamina to meet your objectives.

We also have API to help Fintech and other businesses who might need to connect seamlessly and register their customers without hassle. Contact us for the API details

Click here to register  

Click here for Prices and Charges


Business Name

Reservation of Name
Reg. of Private Company
Increase in Share Capital
Filling of Annual Returns

Companies (LTD & PLC)

Registration of Company
Increase in Share Capital
Change in Dir Particulars
Mergers and Acquisition

NGOs & Trustees

Incorporation of Trustees
Court Order for Dissolution
Ammendment in Constitution
Certified True Copies


Client Login

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Web Designs & Digital Solution

We build websites that are both visually beautiful and functionally effective. eCommerce, SME Websites, Company Websites etc

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Graphics & Social Media Mgt

Brand your products with appealing and attractive graphics logo, banners, Social Media Management, Blog Management etc

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Bulk SMS & Phone Database

Send Nigeria Bulk SMS, Voice SMS, OTP SMS, OTP Voice SMS and so on. You can also get GSM Number Database for your location

Learn more


Frequently Asked Questions

Partnership with the Fintech

For effective partnership the Fintech, we have nemerous way to ntegrate and ensure that the steps are hitch free. Among them is the development of API to allow a seamless integration with their apps. This API allows the Fintech to develop their software using the APIs while the agents and customers fill the CAC forms from the app while we access and work on the data received at our end.

Fintech may also choose that their customers and agents fill a google form after paying on their platform. The submitted form is what we access and process to give get the CAC certificate and other thing as may be needed.

However, if you are a Fintech company and wish to partner with us, kindly contact us with via an email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

How do I get started?

Getting started is easy. Kindly hit the Register button and fill the Registration Form. You will be able to login and select the form of your choice.

What do I need to get started?

  1. Fresh CAC Business Name Registration:
  • 2 Favourite business names
  • Government Issued Valid ID Card
  • Date of Birth
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Neatly Scanned Passport Photograph
  • Neatly scanned Signature
  1. Fresh CAC Company Registration (LTD) of not more than N1m Shares:

If for more than 1 person, this requirement is for each of them

  • 2 Favourite business names
  • Government Issued Valid ID Card
  • Date of Birth
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Neatly Scanned Passport Photograph
  • Neatly scanned Signature
  • How the share will be allotted
  • Name and Signature of Witness
  1. Name Search:

The 2 new names to be searched

How much do I pay?

The amount to be paid depends on your choice of registration and the payment pattern convenient for you. We currently allow a Full Payment and 50% Payment (to start with) on your choice of registration. If you have paid 50% to start with, the balance must be paid immediately after your name has been approved. The balance to be paid after the certificate is out will be the Courier Service Charge and Extra Name Charge (If the first name search is not successful). The prices are as follows:

REGISTRATION COST (Excluding Courier Service Charge)

  • Business Enterprise: N15,000.00
    Annual Returns: N5,000
    Late Payment: Aditional N5,000

  • Limited Liability Company:
    N1,000,000 Shares= N50,000.00
    N5,000,000 Shares= N70,000.00
    N10,000,000 Shares = N100,000.00
    N20,000,000 Shares and above, contact us for the price.
    Annual Returns: N8,000
    Late Payment: Additional N7,000

  • Non Governmental Organization: N100,000.00
    Annual Returns: N8,000
    Late Payment: Additional N7,000

*N1,000 for any additional name search if the first 2 was not selected by CAC. This money will be paid (in addition to the applicable courier charge) as soon as the certificate has been issued by CAC but before sending it to the client.

click here for how to pay

What are the mode of payment?

We accept Online Payment and Cash Deposit/ Mobile Transfer/ Internet Banking. 

To make Payment, click Full or Part Payment after login, in the case of the Online Payment Option, your wallet is automatically credited as soon as the payment is successful.

For other payment option, you will need to finish the payment process. Getting the Payment Transaction ID (at the end of the payment) and use it as a reference of payment. You may need to monitor your wallet to ensure the payment is reflected.

We start or continue with your project when payment is reflected in your wallet and not when it is paid to our account.

Click here for charges and fees

Do you process other documents

Yes, we do. We process genuine legal documents like Sworn Affidavit, Declarations, SCRUML, TIN etc. Depending on your requirements, our prices differ.

Company Definition

What is Certificate of Incorporation or CAC Certificate?

Certificate of Incorporation is a legal document issued by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) of Nigeria that gives a company the legal right to do business during the company's life. It valid in as much as the company exists. If however the company stops trading, for instance it goes through the process for winding up of a company as laid out in the Companies and Allied Matters Act.

What Certificate does the CAC Issue?

The Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria issues different certificates according to individuals corporate needs

1. Business Name: The Business Name allows a individuals/Proprietors to search and register the name of their choice without the needs of a legal practitioner, chattered accountant or chartered secretary. It can be owned by one man in sole proprietorship business or partners in a Partnership Business. Tax payable at the end of the financial year to the State Inland Revenue Service (SIRS)


  • It helps to maintain good reputation with customers
  • It can be used to open a corporate account for your company
  • It can be used to accessed loan, grants and other financial benefits

2. Public and Private Company Registration: After the search and registration of Business Name, the owner may proceed to register such business as a liability company. Depending on the needs and necessities, the owner (s) can register such a Limited Liability Company (LLC or Ltd) or a Public Liability Company (PLC). Tax payable at the end of the financial year to the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS)


In addition to the advantages of Business Name, a registered Public or Private Company has these advantages

  • Certificate of Incorporation that shows details of owners of the business
  • Can raise capital through the sales of shares
  • Legal Liability Protection that allows the company to pay its debt instead of its owners
  • Can be used to obtain Visa to travel all around the world particularly for business trips

3. Incorporated Trustees Certificates: These are the certificates issued to Non Governmental Organization to enable them carry out their activities in a legal way.

This is the first step of every business registration.

  • Open a bank account in the NGO's name
  • Collection of the ngo certificate of incorporation that makes it a legal entity
  • Enhances the NGO images
  • It allows perpetual succession of the NGO
  • The certificate can be used to obtain bank loan, grants and other benefits
  • The NGO can sue and be sued
  • It enables the NGO to acquire properties in its name