Full Payment

Business Name

  • 20000


N 20,000.00

$ 76.80

This covers the registration of your business name with the corporate affairs commission and the collection of your Business Name Certificate. 

What are the advantages of registering your business name?
1. Registration of your business will enable you own a corporate account with any bank of choice.

2. Corporate Account owners easily have access to Bank Loans, Grants and other Government and Non Governmental Interventions

Note that Payment does not include Courier Fee which is paid at the end of the processing before collection of the documents

I want to pay for this

Limited Liability Company (LLC / LTD)

  • 600000


N 60,000.00

$ 230.40

This is available for Limited Liability company of N500,000 worth of Shares. It covers the registration, processing and CAC Certificate of Registration

Note that Payment does not include Courier Fee which is paid at the end of the processing before collection of the documents.

I want to pay for this

Limited Liability Company 2 (LLC / LTD)

  • 90000


N 90,000.00

$ 345.60

This is available for Limited Liability company of N1,000,000 worth of Shares. It covers the registration, processing and CAC Certificate of Registration

Note that Payment does not include Courier Fee which is paid at the end of the processing before collection of the documents.

I want to pay for this

Limited Liability Company 3 (LLC / LTD)

  • 200000


N 200,000.00

$ 768.00

This is available for Limited Liability company of N5,000,000 worth of Shares. It covers the registration, processing and CAC Certificate of Registration.

Note that Payment does not include Courier Fee which is paid at the end of the processing before collection of the documents

I want to pay for this

Limited Liability Company 4 (LLC / LTD)

  • 350000


N 350,000.00

$ 1,344.00

This is available for Limited Liability company of N10,000,000 worth of Shares. It covers the registration, processing and CAC Certificate of Registration

Note that Payment does not include Courier Fee which is paid at the end of the processing before collection of the documents

I want to pay for this

Limited Liability Company 5 (LLC / LTD)

  • 1000000


N 1,000,000.00

$ 3,840.00

This is available for Limited Liability company of N100,000,000 worth of Shares. It covers the registration, processing and CAC Certificate of Registration

Note that Payment does not include Courier Fee which is paid at the end of the processing before collection of the documents

I want to pay for this

NGOs and Trustees

  • 200000


N 200,000.00

$ 768.00

This is designed for Non Governmental Organizations and any other Non Profit Making organization like Religious Organizations, Motherless Baby Homes, Charity Organization and so on.

Note that Payment does not include Courier Fee which is paid at the end of the processing before collection of the documents

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