Terms and Condition

This Website is created and managed by Cliq Systems Solutions (CSS) for Company Registration with the Nigeria Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and any other corporate service as the website advertises from time to time. These Products and the other products are branded with this unique name "Wowwow". Though we can accept adverts or other links from third parties, users clicking to these adverts or links should be aware that we are not responsible for the content or any transactions on those websites and links.

You confirmed that you are 18 years and above as at the time you are registering or registered your wowwow account. This is also applicable when your wowwow account was registered by someone else on your behalf. The person registering your wowwow account can be you, friends or relatives, wowwow staff or agents.

You accept that all information you registered with (or registered on your behalf) and configured your account with is true and indemnify Cliq Systems Solutions against any false found therein.

You accept that any false information may lead to the termination of your wowwow account without refunding your wallet or deleting your information from our server.

You accept the full responsibility for all the information used for the registration and configuration of your Account including the phone number, email, addresses and so on that you use in the process of registration and processing your documents.

You accept full responsibilities for all the files uploaded to our server as well as those ones picked by the courier service either directly by you or by the person you assigned to do so. In the case of receiving of certificates, you idemnify Cliq Systems Solutions against all damages or loss of documents arised as a result of the negligence or non-chalant attitude of the person you assigned to collect the certificates on your behalf

Guest/Visitors becomes a life member upon submission of membership form by filling the online registration form. However, a member status can be impaired if such member has not funded his wallet within 60 days of registration or when discovered that such a member is impersonating or not sending the required documents to process its registration or other services as he may require from us.

Cliq Systems Solutions credits members wallet upon confirmation of payment either through the bank or online payment linked from our site. We do not start processing of documents without funding your wallet up to 50% of the total cost excluding courier service and unforeseen cost.

We do not send/deliver your certificates or other documents where
1. You have some outstanding including the payment of the sum of your courier fee, extra name search fee and any other fee as may be applicable in which we incur in the process of carrying out assignment.

2. In a situation where you are not available and the name of the person you assigned to collect it is not available or not ready to sign the document of receipts on your behalf

Information collected from this portal is meant for the maintenance of users that provide the information but may also be used for advertising, awareness and some other purposes. The phone number of the user or third party submitted to us through the process of membership, account usage or when transacting with us may be used or given to the third party for advertising or other legal purposes but it will not contain the data of the customer even customer's name will not be included.

1. We deduct your wallet balances whenever there is a need to do so like when there is a need for search, sending the courier to collect your well filled form for company registration or other processes. You will need to balance all payments after your assignment is ready before we dispatch the physical copy(ies) to you via a dispatcher using a courier service.

We refund customer in the following condition

The customer makes a double payment as a result of doubtful mind
The customer makes a payment in addition to the 0s he supposed to pay e.g. N100,000 instead of N10,000
Refund takes 24 working hour and it is the total payment, less 10% for VAT, Stamp Duty and other administrative charges
WE DO NOT REFUND CUSTOMERS AS A RESULT OF A CHANGE OF MIND OR OPINION as money expended so far may not be refundable to us.

Registering and or linking to account with any of the social media available but supported by our portal is to make using our service more effective and easier. We are not liable for misuse or misrepresentation that this could cause as we hope that you carefully keep your social media information out of reach. Therefore do NOT link your wowwow account with any of the social medias if the social media information is not secured enough.

All Advert shown on wowwow are mainstream and not offensive. If you see an advert that does offend you, it is important that you contact us, so we can have it removed.

By using this service you agree to be bound by this Terms and Conditions. Cliq Systems Solutions may change these terms and conditions at any time and shall become effective immediately upon posting to this page (members are advised to always check for updates if any) or when SMS or email has been sent through the phone number or email registered with us or updated thereafter.


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